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Helping your school to support children with SEMH needs

What you can expect​

Here are some examples of what we’ve done before:

  • A whole school programme that supports children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing focusing on the effects of COVID-19 and the future
  • Identification/assessment of needs to create individual support programmes
  • Working with parents and class teachers to deliver targeted support
  • Delivering SEMH training to class teachers to improve their understanding of SEMH needs
  • Support with implementing the Resilience Framework
  • Coordination with local specialist provision
  • Support with developing and obtaining EHCPs
  • Management of transition between mainstream and special provision

Find out more

If you would value some help in determining what you need to do to support your pupils and staff, our experienced team of SEMH specialists are here to support you. To find out more, email Kate Fallan, Trust Leader of culture and Development, at kate.fallan@ekotrust.org.uk