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How we support other schools

Our CEO is a National Leader of Education and the Chair of our Trust is a National Leader of Governance. We have worked to develop system leaders with a wide range of expertise across our family of schools. They are a dedicated team of exceptional leaders who provide bespoke support packages to individuals, schools or MATs.

Our support is based on our values of working collaboratively to make significant contributions to ensure the best educational outcomes for all children. This creative collaboration between schools delivers sustainable impacts for learners, teachers and the whole school community. By using evidence-based approaches and on-going evaluation, we successfully enable schools to reflect on the key issues that make a difference; leadership, teaching and learning, creating safe and healthy schools.

This focus on using our own excellent leadership to build others enables us to consistently develop future leadership potential, work with our staff on their career aspirations and support retention across the Trust.


Our specialisms include:

Working in partnership to improve outcomes for pupils – a case study

How we can help

We are happy to broker projects with schools and MATs to collaborate and bring about and secure change in children's outcomes.

Eko Trust can offer tailor-made support packages which include expert system leaders working in a range of ways. This can be a variety of activities, including data analysis, coaching and mentoring, facilitating and training or joint action planning.

We have a track record of commissioned work from local authorities, Teaching School Hubs, Multi Academy Trusts as well as individual and groups of schools.

If you are interested in developing bespoke support packages with our dedicated team of exceptional system leaders, contact Kate Fallan (kate.fallan@ekotrust.org.uk).